Letting Agents Sheffield

Enjoy a Stress-Free Summer: Ensuring Rental Property Safety While You’re Away

As summer finally makes its appearance and the holiday season kicks in, both landlords and tenants often take a break in August. Here are some proactive measures you can take to ensure your rental properties stay safe and tenancies remain smooth while you’re away.

Ensuring Property Security

Security is the top priority. Tenancy agreements may vary on whether tenants must notify landlords of holiday plans, so it’s vital to clarify each party’s responsibilities if the property will be vacant.

Since burglaries frequently occur when properties are unoccupied, advise your tenants to:

  • Use timers for lights and radios to create the illusion of occupancy.
  • Have a neighbor or friend collect mail and newspapers to avoid a cluttered letterbox.
  • Arrange for someone to manage the bins.
  • If there’s a driveway, have someone park their car there to give the appearance of someone being home.
  • Ensure the garden is tidy and request a friend to water plants to keep them looking healthy.
  • Keep valuables out of sight and hide spare keys.

Handling Extended Holidays

If tenants are planning an extended vacation, it’s important to notify your insurance company.

As a landlord, you often need to inform them if the property will be vacant for an extended period. Some insurers provide coverage for up to 60 days, but it’s best to specify the exact vacancy duration.

Consider arranging property checks during the tenant’s absence, ensuring you have their permission beforehand.

Social Media Caution

Remind tenants to be cautious about their social media activity. Each summer, stories emerge of families who inadvertently alert burglars to their empty homes by posting holiday updates and photos online.

Landlord Holiday Preparation

Landlords also deserve a break. If you’re planning a holiday, make sure your tenants know who to contact in case of emergencies like leaks or lockouts.

For those with managing agents, this usually isn’t an issue. Self-managing landlords, however, should provide tenants with a reliable contact method or designate a trusted friend or associate to handle urgent matters temporarily.

Pre-arrange and clearly communicate the responsibilities with this trusted party to ensure seamless property management during your absence.

By taking these precautions, both landlords and tenants can relax and enjoy their summer holidays, knowing that the rental properties are secure and well-maintained.

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