Letting Agents Sheffield
Sheffield is a BUY-TO-LET HOTSPOT

Sheffield is a BUY-TO-LET HOTSPOT

Property experts have put Sheffield in the spotlight as a Buy-to-Let hotspot for 2022, attracting investors from London and beyond. The well respected industry magazine, Property Investor Today are reporting that Sheffield’s attractiveness in the Buy-To-Let market can...
Managing a Rental Property From Abroad

Managing a Rental Property From Abroad

Buy to let property in the UK can be an excellent investment, whether investors live in the UK or not.  You might be an overseas based investor or a lucky landlord renting your UK previous home whilst you’re working the job of your dreams in a warmer climate. Even for...
What is a Listed Building?

What is a Listed Building?

There are around 400,000 listed buildings in England. Historic England (formerly English Heritage) keeps a register of all listed building entries in England. If a building is considered to be of special architectural or historic interest, it will be included in a...
Tenants Are Returning to City Life!

Tenants Are Returning to City Life!

Many young professionals during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic headed away from the city back to family suburban homes (which had more space) to spend time with friends and family members. Now there are signs that they are starting to head back into cities again....
Property Investment Strategies; The Pros & Cons

Property Investment Strategies; The Pros & Cons

At its simplest, there are only two property investment strategies: Buy a property and rent it out Buy a property then sell it on for a profit But if it were that easy, there would be no need for this article. Indeed there are a much larger number of approaches – each...
The Horizon Group