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The Renters Reform Bill, which promised to be the biggest shake-up of the private rented sector in more than 30 years, is currently in a state of limbo due to the dissolution of Parliament ahead of a snap general election in July.

This unexpected development has significant implications for the future of the bill and has left many tenants and landlords uncertain about what comes next.

Background of the Renters Reform Bill

Introduced in May 2023, the Renters Reform Bill aimed to bring significant changes to the rental sector. Key provisions included the abolition of Section 21 “no-fault” evictions, the introduction of open-ended tenancies, and measures to improve living conditions for renters.

Election Call

On May 22, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced a snap general election to be held on July 4. As a result, Parliament was dissolved, and the Renters Reform Bill did not complete its legislative process. This dissolution effectively shelved the bill, meaning it will not become law unless reintroduced in a future parliamentary session​.


The shelving of the bill has been met with frustration from various quarters. Housing charities, tenant advocacy groups, and some political figures have expressed their dismay as they believe there is an urgent need for reform.

The National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) has spent years working with it’s members and Government to tune and amend the plans to ensure fairness to landlords too.  Though not at all perfect, they believed the bill was something fair and workable.  Now it’s pretty much dead in the water, all private landlords are wondering what next?

Political Implications

The upcoming general election will significantly influence the future of the Renters Reform Bill. Here’s how different outcomes could shape its trajectory:

·      Conservative Victory: If the Conservative Party wins, the bill might be revisited but could face further amendments or delays, especially given the pressure from landlord groups and the focus on other legislative priorities​

·      Labour Victory: A Labour government has pledged to prioritize the bill, promising to abolish Section 21 evictions immediately and implement the proposed reforms to level the playing field between tenants and landlords​

The Role of the Courts

One of the contentious aspects delaying the bill’s progress was ensuring the court system is prepared to handle the expected increase in disputes following the abolition of Section 21 evictions. Effective implementation of the bill’s provisions hinges on a robust and efficient court system, a challenge that any future government will need to address​.

What’s Next

With Parliament dissolved, the Renters Reform Bill’s fate now hinges on the outcome of the general election. If reintroduced, the bill would need to restart the legislative process from the beginning. This uncertainty requires tenants and landlords to stay informed and adaptable to upcoming changes​.


The Renters Reform Bill represents a significant potential shift in the UK’s rental market, but its future is now uncertain due to the political developments surrounding the snap general election.

Whoever triumphs at the polls on 4 July will need to start from scratch when it comes to developing new legislation around private rented housing.

This, in turn, means even greater uncertainty for landlords who have already been waiting for five years for answers on how they must run their businesses going forward.

As the landscape continues to evolve, staying informed and engaged is crucial for both renters and landlords.  Horizon Lets will be following the election keenly, and will post updates as soon as there are any announcements about reform in the private rental sector.

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